Sharing Experiences: Guiding Young Athletes to Success On and Off the Field


Players of us, athletic and those guys being able to share my experiences and what I've done through my baseball career, you know, that's always been instrumental to me as I got older, to be able to pick guys brains that had been there, had done it at the next level, you know, and I'm not just talking about a college professional. It's being first and foremost in high school. What does it take to play high school? How do you know? You need to go about your business and finding a routine. But then for, you know, those young men who I want to, you know, all of them to go and play at the collegiate level, but in reality, it's not going to happen. But those that do be able to share those experiences, you know, what does it take,  the nutrition, the grind of it, you know, and when you don't feel like going out and training that day those things that I've experienced and gone through, to be able to share that, you know, and just let them be able to grow and find out, hey, you know what? This works for me. This doesn't, because I understand that what I did may not work for everyone,  but being able to help them in any way possible to show them, hey, you know, maybe a little bit of what I did works for you, maybe something else that I heard from people doing, you know, and combining those too, but to help them grow and kind of find their niche and what's going to work for them. But, you know, the biggest thing is just providing them that option that they have to know that someone's in their corner, that someone is pushing for them where I feel like a lot of times guys are just kind of left out on their own island to try and survive, and that's not fair, you know, and I want what's best for them and anything that they do in life, but to be able to say, hey, you know what? You're going to have a rough day,  I'm there to help you out. I'm there to pick you up. Or you know what? Maybe you're not given your complete effort, you know, and I see that and I understand that, you know, and, you know, pushing them to be better and be a better person is the biggest thing. I mean, I want them all to be fantastic ball players, but more importantly, I want them to be fantastic young men and to, you know, be able to share their experiences and look back one day and say, you know what? I remember I had this tough time. I know Wes was there for me. I maybe didn't like it at that point in time and what I heard. But I can now see why he said that to me or why we had that discussion and how that helped me moving forward.